Tailored for Crews

Regional Crews Council

The Regional Crews Council

As the direct link between Crews and our core team, the Regional Crews Council (RCC) ensures that the impactful work of individual Crews directly resonates & aligns with the overarching mission of Earth Guardians and vice versa.

The RCC empowers and amplifies the collective efforts of Crews, fostering a stronger, more unified front in advancing environmental stewardship and activism.

Regional Crews Councilors (RCC)

Rena Kawasaki, RCC of East Asia

Anne Muthoni, RCC of Africa

Emmy Adams, RCC of North America

Louka Delautre, RCC of Europe

Rejoice Keteku, RCC of Africa

Anwesha Mishra, RCC of South Asia

Tupã Levi, RCC of South America

Teo Martinez, RCC of Central America

Special Updates

Special Updates

Masterclass Crews Call

RCCs have started a new Crews call! In addition to Onboarding & Global Crews Calls, RCCs are now hosting masterclasses that equip Crews with skills for creating, executing, and managing projects.

Sign up to join a masterclass and learn from the RCCs who used to be Crew members executing on-the-ground projects just like you!

How To Get Connected

  1. Start or join a Crew

  2. Then, attend a Crew onboarding call

  3. Our global Crews director will connect you with a counselor near you after that!

Upcoming Earth Guardian Events

We won’t wait, it’s our future, we decide.

You C.A.N. choose action now!