Sustainable Solutions &

Waste Reduction


+500k Trees Planted

From strikes and rallies to international lawsuits, we focus on encouraging civic engagement that leads to a more direct impact on some of the systems that fuel many unsustainable actions in the world.


Why sustainable solutions Matter?

Another way to impact climate change is by using sustainable solutions and reducing our overall production of waste. This conscious engagement with the environment and the waste we create is a great step towards increasing our selection of sustainable services and products. Today, the products and services we use often lead to a great deal of waste and pollution, so it is up to us to become aware of our collective impact and find ways to reduce it.

Sustainable solutions and policies are methods of addressing waste through goods, services and business practices. These solutions are oftentimes the result of innovative individuals and organizations conscious of their environmental impact. Additionally, climate lawsuits, strikes and rallies as well as social equity and racial justice work often serve as the impetus for policies capable of transforming the services and goods we use each day.

Ultimately, it is important for us to work as a community on improving the systems and policies in place that lead to waste. To get started on your journey towards waste reduction you can download the EarthTracks app, join our community resource center or review some of our other community resources listed below.

“Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.

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School Environmental Audit

The school environmental audit instructions discuss ways and methods to perform an Environmental Audit at your school. Have your teachers work with you and help with our “Tips”. Then, use our “Worksheets” to audit your school! The Audit Worksheets (waste, energy, water and cleaning products) are for students working in pairs or groups, with some adult assistance.


Download EarthTracks

Our cutting edge EarthTracks app offers gamified challenges to tens and thousands of people worldwide to make small individual behavioral shifts that collectively result in a massive impact on climate change.

Acting like a fitbit for the planet, our app aggregates data about our personal and collective impact, educates people on how we can reduce our personal footprint on a day-to-day basis, while also connecting Earth Guardians’ global community of 300+ Crews.

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JUST Water: Sustainably Sourced

JUST Water is a sustainably sourced water supplier founded by longtime Earth Guardians partner Jaden Smith. Using JUST Water supports local community and it ensures a sustainable approach to drinking water, so that you can decrease your environmental impact. This plastic-free water alternative is a Certified B Corp company working to rid campuses of plastic drinking water. Learn more by reading Earth Guardians JUST Water guide.


50 Simple Things to reduce your Carbon Footprint

Looking for a few simple ways to cut carbon? Earth Guardians has been recognized publicly for this comprehensive yet accessible little list. Pretty soon we’ll be launching a campaign that incentivizes folks to collectively commit to taking on one of these items for a week straight. Our goal is to track the carbon our global tribe is cutting. Meanwhile, scope out the list and get a head start on your carbon-cutting practice.



How can I reduce waste at home?

You can reduce waste at home by choosing three high-impact areas for you personally to focus on. Some ideas including:

    • take 1 less shower per week (or cut each shower down by 20%)

    • bundle up instead of blasting the heat;

    • Connect electronics to a power strip that you can easily turn off when not in use

    • Go shopping with your own bags and buy in bulk (ideally from local sources whenever possible)!

    • Use reusable dishware, rags, and batteries 

    • Compost in the kitchen and upcycle in the closet

    • Download the EarthTracks App to keep yourself educated, connected, and accountable with daily actions

What are some sustainable solutions to environmental issues?

Some of the biggest environmental issues include climate change, pollution, deforestation, water scarcity, loss of biodiversity and soil degradation. Some sustainable solutions on the individual level include:

Ultimately, we have more power to affect systemic change when we rise up together. Do some research - get good at distinguishing between greenwashing and legit sustainability standards. Find some friends to go on this journey with, and find ways to get involved on the local level. We have the power to vote everyday with where we give our dollar, time, and attention. Use yours wisely!

How can I reduce waste where I work?

Contingent upon your position in the workplace, you can seek to reduce waste on the individual or system-wide scale. 

For you individually, the same actions from home can extend into your work life:

  • Pack your own reusable lunches

  • Use alternative transportation (bike, walk, public transit, carpool) for your commute

Some ideas for you to propose in your company:

  • Going paperless

  • Implementing an office-wide recycling program

  • Seeking out green partnerships, or community outreach opportunities to give back

How can I support sustainable solutions & Policies?

There are many approaches to supporting sustainable solutions and policies, and again, the most important part is picking SOMETHING and getting started! Some ideas to get you inspired include: 

  • educating yourself and peers 

  • starting or contributing to fundraising campaigns

  • joining a local Earth Guardians Crew

Finding ways to connect with others around these issues will help you get more ideas and direction to apply your efforts, and give you a sense of solidarity and community, which are vital in these realms.