Teotecpatl Santin Martinez

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Teotecpatl Santin Martinez - Regional Director Mexico

My name is Teotecpatl Santin Martinez, I live in Mexico City, I dedicate myself to cultural art, dance, theater, music, spirituality, and especially to fighting against climate change, I’m committed to raising awareness about the importance of one of the biggest problems of our era, climate change.

Something that inspired me a lot to be a part of Earth Guardians was to see the situation of the world, the pollution in my community, the waste and misuse of water, the overexploitation of our natural resources, the mistreatment of animals, the disconnection of people with their spiritual origin with the Earth…I came to realize that the only way to heal the earth and the world is to heal our lives.

I am currently working very hard in Mexico on the reconstruction of Mexico Anahuac after the earthquake of September 19, 2017. The project is about the conscious reconstruction of this sacred place and includes permaculture, renewable energy systems, and is centered around bringing forth humanity towards a more balanced spiritual, social, emotional, cultural, physical, material and educational world. We are currently working on vegetarian food sources, which is one of the most powerful weapons against climate change.